Bardy Takabe
Chairman of the club. He was muttering that he did not want to be the chairman. Well, he started this club. He had to take care of the chaos that he created, he liked it or not, right? He is an internet surfer as well as an amateur radio operator. Thus, he can be anywhere in the world via wire or air. Watch out!
Ken Takabe
Technical Director of the club. He is normally quiet. But when time comes, his knowledge will pour out to help you.  Cool, eh? Without him, we will have trouble setting up even a simple demonstration and our regular meetings will end up with a tea drinking party.......Thus, he is a VIP of the club. Soon we will need to hire a bodyguard or two for him.
Seiki Sasaki
Senior Statesman of the club.  He is a Director of the NJCA, meaning that he
has a strong connection to the NJCA. Thus, he is another VIP. The IIEC members seldom receive e-mail from him. But apparently he reads every single e-mail coming to him from top to bottom. A spellchecking is strongly suggested before sending.........
Mieko Saita
Bell Canada of the club. She is in charge of contacting the IIEC members by telephone who are not wired to the net yet. Nobody can refuse her sincere invitation to come to the meetings.
Nobby Miura
Canada Post of the club. He is in charge of coordinating thee-mail network of the IIEC members.  He writes tons of e-mail during weekends. So, you better watch out on Monday morning.....
Yuko Okita
Home Page Construction Company of the club. She is a rare breed of Mac user in the club. Although she appears petite, she has the power and energy to construct one home page after another (though we need only one...) Some day I will not be able to resist my urge to put a yellow safety hat on her head.
Yuka Takizawa
Finance Minister of the club. She has a magic skill to make the end meet in
the book even though we have no money. Thus, she is another VIP for the club, since financially we are non-existent.
Keito Endo
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Agency of the club. He sorts out useful information and posts it in the section of FAQ in our home page. Thequestion of how to maintain an effective FAQ is our biggest FAQ.